
day 1008

The following six pictures are of Porcelain Lamp. It is actually not a lamp, but statue composed over ten thousands pieces of porcelain plates, bowls, cups and spoons showing the dragon, phoenix and a lamp-like shape in between, bringing auspices and prosperity. It is made by people of Chengdu China for Singapore's River Hongbao festival.

True to my idealistic, there is no picture of the whole statue, since the environment was just rather horrid with bright spot light, wires, nets and people in the back ground. But it's rather easy to imagine the scale since I think plates and spoons are on standard size around the world... more or less??

Pic 1 of 6: The 2nd series of Chinese New Year 2010.
Dragon Head of the Porcelain Lamp, River Hongbao festival.

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