
day 847

My sis and I made a quick visit to Kota (which mean city or town) on the last day of my visit this time. Kota is an old area in the North of Jakarta nearby the harbour, where it used to be a centre of Batavia (old Jakarta) itself.

From Lonely Planet Indonesia 2003:
"...The old town of Batavia, now known as Kota, was once the hub of Dutch colonial Indonesia. It contained Coen's massive shoreline fortress, the Kasteel, and was surrounded by a sturdy defensive wall and a moat. Much of this one-time grandeur has now rotted, crumbled, or been buldozed away, but Taman Fatahillah, Kota's central cobblestone square, is still reminiscent of the area's heyday..."

The pic is Stasiun Jakarta Kota, a train station, taken from Taman Fatahillah.

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